Business ideas for Housewives
Tips to Make Money in NigeriaHome | Small business | ( 3 ) | Subscribe Posted by Felix Okoli on Wednesday October 31, 2012 at 10:8:52:
Housewives also have an opportunity to make money even at home as a way of helping to finance the costs of running a family.There are lots of small businesses a woman can do at home and even become financially independent without relying on the husband for everything.Here are small business Ideas housewives can do at home- Packaged foods Production e.g. plantain chips, chin chin and so on. You could produce a lot and sell them to supermarkets and small stores around you for profits.- Internet business: e.g blogging, online writing, affiliate marketing and so on- Home tutoring: After school service for children if you are good in teaching- Book writing: It takes about 3 to 6 months to write a book and if it's a good book, it can bring your money for the long term.- Day care: Requires a spacious home and licensing. There are lots of working women who would rather pay you to take care of their kids for 6 to 9 hours a day- Events planning and management: Women tend to know how to organize events and special days and this is easy or people who are not already involved in full time work and so staying at home can offer you such opportunities to work for clients even from home. You just need a bank account and a portfolio of your works.