The Ad Dynamo Debit card
Tips to Make Money in NigeriaHome | Making money online | ( 1 ) | Subscribe Posted by Felix Okoli on Tuesday August 30, 2011 17:37:34:
For those who still want to know more about the card that is branded by Ad dynamo, you should know that is a debit card that is powered by Visa that works in such a way as to allow you receive payments into it and them be able to withdraw to an ATM card. For most publishers who are used to making money from other publishing platforms, you may have been used to waiting to receive your cheque by mail, waiting for it to be converted to cash by your bank and again paying the bank charges associated to it. With the Ad dynamo debit card, you will be able to avoid most of these troubles as you would be able to receive your earnings into it on the first business day after the month you earned the income from Ad dynamo. Ad dynamo's debit card saves a lot of stress for publishers such that they no longer have to make use of bank accounts to clear cheques or pay any bank charges, the only charges one would be paying is that which is associated to the card which I think costs $2 per withdrawal but you can withdraw from any global Visa ATM card in the local currency. For getting the card, it would cost an one time fee of about $30How to get the Ad Dynamo debit card
You first need to sign up with Ad dynamo as a publisher and then earn up to $130 within 90 days and also select Ad dynamo card as your preferred payment option. They would ship a card to you after you have earned enough money with them.Fees associated with using the Ad dynamo card
Initial setup fee as said is $30 and $2 per withdrawal from ATMs. I don't know if there are any other charges like monthly or other charges but you should go through their terms of service when signing up. As for the fees, I think if you can make at least $50 a month with Ad Dynamo, you should be covered.
Sign up Posted by Oke on Sunday December 25, 2011 at 11:43:28: how do I sign up with Ad dynamo
Re: Sign up Posted by Felix on Sunday December 25, 2011 at 11:43:28: It is simple. Just go to and click on sign up
Re: The Ad Dynamo Debit card Reply by sk salman on Sunday April 22, 2012 at 7:45:36: addynamo is a cheater company from last two months... its not giving payment to me and my 8 friends
Re: The Ad Dynamo Debit card Reply by Suleman on Sunday May 3, 2015 at 17:4:21: Thanks you men