Options to make money as a Nigerian student from the internet
Tips to Make Money in NigeriaHome | Internet | ( 1 ) | Subscribe Posted by Felix Okoli on Wednesday October 26, 2011 12:48:1:
As a student, some of the things I really wanted to answer was for instance "What kind of business I could do to make me some money even before graduation?". With the coming of the internet however, this even became more realistic as it became easier to make money while you are in school, without having to drop out of school because school really pays.
How can a Nigerian student, despite the inherent factors, be able to make money from the internet? What type of online businesses can one do that would bring money automatically without you being there?Well there are a lot of ways to make money from the internet and here they are:- Blogging with Google adsense: This just involves getting a website and writing about a lot of stuff, getting traffic for your writings and making money from clicks and impressions people make on Google's advert. You can even get a free blog at blogger.com and switch over to your own site as you make more money.- Affiliate marketing: This involves using the internet and traffic to make money from sales commissions. One big giant you can market for is Amazon and you can join their affiliate network. You may decide to use a blog to market it or you may use your membership of forums and websites related to your product and just including your link in your posts or profile. If you also have a website where you have lots of posts, you can also use it to promote affiliate products. - Freelancing: This simply involves using your computer skills like web designing, programming, writing and others to work for people remotely. Your employer could be in the USA or India and you will just execute the job in your spare time, upload and receive your payment. Sites like guru.com, freelancer.com and others offer a good platform for freelancers to provide their services. You may even setup your website to offer these services and include your porftfolio too so that you can get jobs easily. The normal means of payment is by Western union or international cheque- Answering questions: This is another option for making money online that is still relatively new. The market is already huge in developed countries. What this involves is simply providing answers to questions people have to ask about a category of interest such as law, geography, history, society, technology and so on. It seems technology questions are more in vogue and you can make money by providing researched answers to people online. Clients could prepay for an answer and you send then one by sms and email. You can research for answers to their questions on the internet or even have a local database where you can get questions.There could be a lot of untapped ways to make money easily using the internet. You just have to decide on the one that works for you.
Re: Options to make money as a Nigerian student from the internet Posted by Alamen mk on Saturday October 29, 2011 at 14:16:29: answers to questions people have to ask about a category of interest such as law, geography, history, society, technology
Re: Options to make money as a Nigerian student from the internet Reply by Toulsyne on Thursday August 16, 2012 at 14:7:37: Ds is cool. Bt, i dnt stl undstand d answern of questions thng