Create and Sell Information products
Tips to Make Money in NigeriaHome | Internet | ( 1 ) | Subscribe Posted by Felix Okoli on Saturday July 7, 2012 8:57:52:
One of the easy ways in which internet savvy Nigerian are making money from the internet is by selling informational products. What are info products? Information products are simply products that contain useful information. They are designed in such a way that people would be willing to pay for it. Normally you should know that people pay for information so getting an idea of a product you can make that a lot of people want is a good steppping stone in this business.
Example of information products are recipes, tutorials, ebooks, pictures, history, maps, videos and so on. They are mostly products or files you can create with a computer and then sell them in both virtual and hard copy forms.However, to get involved in this sort of business, you need to be good with computers and be able to create your own e-files. You would need to identify what people are mostly interested in and create an informational product on it. With that you would be able to create a product that sells really well. Let's assume you know people are looking for detailed business plan for setting up cat fish farming business. You can create a guide on that with Microsoft word and then convert it to pdf or other formats and then upload it to your website or email. You can then market it and let people buy it from you while you send it to their email address after payment has been confirmed. You can receive payments either by bank deposit or online payments and you may then deliver the product either by email attachment or automatic downloads from your site. There are are a lot of success stories of people selling ebooks in Nigeria. Let's assume your price per file is N1000 and you are able to sell about 100 files, that would be a whooping N100,000 just from the comfort of your home. This is a good internet business one can do in Nigeria and the market is still growing.
Re: Create and Sell Information products Reply by excel on Thursday July 19, 2012 at 3:29:13: how do i go about it, the people that will buy it, how to sell it, please help with the how. thanks
Re: Create and Sell Information products Reply by Cyril Okafor on Friday July 20, 2012 at 3:8:23: How can it work because i don't own a website or laptop.i'm only using an internet phone.
Re: Create and Sell Information products Reply by Popnen on Monday September 3, 2012 at 8:37:55: How can i start by using my celphone?