Earn N1000 by writing articles

Tips to Make Money in Nigeria

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Posted by on Monday April 22, 2013 at 15:8:33:

One of the ways I've mentioned one can make money online in Nigeria is by writing articles. If you are good are writing in good English, then this is an opportunity for you.


I need article writers who can write articles on the following areas:

- Bank products and services e.g. Savings account e.t.c.
- GSM technology and services
- Small business opportunities in Nigeria

This job is especially targeted at students who are good in writing and making use of Microsoft word.

What to do

- Generate topics from the above categories
- You would need to write articles with at least 250 words each (use word count)
- Articles have to be unique and not copied from anywhere.
- Write at least 4 articles
- Submit them via email attachment to felixokoli at yahoo dot com
- Include your bank account details in the email

What you would gain
If your articles are good, I would publish them and pay N1000 directly into your bank account for the 4 articles I've received.

So start writing and keep making money.

    Re: Earn N1000 by writing articles Reply by Jay on Tuesday July 23, 2013 at 6:56:15:

    N1k for 4 articles? it is too little

    Re: Earn N1000 by writing articles Reply by Felix Okoli on Tuesday July 23, 2013 at 6:56:15:

    You can also try writing articles at Iwriter. They pay with Paypal.

    Re: Earn N1000 by writing articles Reply by abosi emeka on Thursday October 10, 2013 at 13:40:58:

    is their the possibility that the pay will be proportional to the quality of d articule as this will encourage hardwork nd commitment